Stage 7 - The Hope 1000

 Touring the Hope 1000 Bikepacking route.


We decided to skip the first stage of the Hope route and ride directly from Illnau Switzerland we were staying, to intersect the Hope 1000 route 10km into Stage 2 

Day 1 100kms

Left Illnau at 8 30am in the drizzle. It was sad to say goodbye to Jill Hanna and Christian as they had really made us feel at home and we had really enjoyed being in one place and relaxing and chatting. We took lovely smooth bike paths to intercept Stage 2 of the Hope 1000 route. It went straight into a massive climb with lots of hikeabike. We were so so glad to have left a lot of luggage at Hanna’s. After 2690 metres of climb, a high point of 1340 m and 100km of riding and pushing we arrived at Stein, hungry and hot. 
We were so lucky to come across a traditional Alp Abzug - where the farmers were taking their cows into the hills for summer and all wearing their traditional dress. Thunderstorms with 16 mls rain were forecast for 2am so we decided not to head back into the hills and checked into a hotel for the night. Its always a treat having a lovely warm shower on a cold rainy day. We cooked dinner in our room, did some washing and planning then nigh nigh for 2 tired girls. We went to bed hoping that the rain passed over night the night

Day 2

We woke up to rain rain rain and more there was more significant rain forecast. Before starting this ride we had agreed that it was silly to ride in the rain if we didnt have to We had allowed 2 full days extra incase we needed to wait out a storm or needed a rest. We had breakfast at the hotel and waited until the last check out time hoping that the worst of the rain would pass. We finally set off about 10.30am and headed up over the first hill of the day. The rain wasn't too bad but we soon got pretty cold down the other side. We went to stock up at the Spar in Weesen but it was closed so we rerouted to ziegelbrucke. We found an Asian store and manage to buy some 2 min noodles and vegetables for dinner. Note to selves!Supermarkets are closed on Sunday in Switzerland. We headed up the next climb and the rain got heavy so we decided to stop for the day at a campground on the map called Blockhaus metten. We arrived at the campground which was on the map but there was nothing there. Luckily there was a community hall with tables and a huge verandah and toilets so we asked an old man in a warm Swiss house if we could stay there and he said help yourselves it is for the community to make use of. 😉 By this time we were pretty cold so got changed and got the cooker out for some hot noodles. Spent the afternoon watching the rain fall feeling thankful to be under cover and out of the elements. Although it was a short day today it was stunning. These mountains makes you feel so small and insignificant. You feel so free and alive in this terrain.  

Day 3 108km Woke up at 6am and it was still quite dark which is a change from before. We discovered that a rat a fox or a badger had removed the pot lid and helped itself to our delicious flat top peach. In the process it had eaten our sea to summit cups, nibbled a bit of our cooking pot, eaten the front of Debbie's revelate gas tank and eaten into Emma's Rockgiest panniers. Blimey, lucky it didn't do more damage! 😳 We got up and repaired what we could and threw out the rest. Sad day for our cups. We got on the road just after 7am and boom we were straight into more climbing. The rain had stopped but it was still a little chilly. We made it to the top then down down down we went then up another 1500 metres then down then up. We came across a cheese making farm and had a fresh yoghurt. So so delicious! Then down down down surrounded by mountains and vistas of lakes and villages into Schywz the end of Stage 3 and a chance to resupply. 96.5kms and 3050 brutal metres of climb. This is Switzerland alright. We decided to push on to a campsite high on a hill. We had 2 hours to do 14 km but it was straight up to 1500 metres. We figured it was doable before dark so off we went grind grind grind. The higher we got the foggier it. We came across some hikers camping in the fog . They asked if we were going to join them we laughed and said no we were going another 200 metres to the shelter. It wasn't a huge shelter but it meant we could pitch the tent and cook under cover and our bikes and tent could be undercover for the night. We were so happy to be there after a huge day of climbing. We made sure all our food was packed separately from our dry bags and other gear just incase there was a repeat of the night before. Sad to have no view but so happy to have a protected and designated place to camp.

Day 4 93kms

We woke up to foggy fog white out but we could sense the blue sky and occasionally the sun poked through We had breakfast, put on our jackets and headed down into the next town and the end of Stage 4. The day was full of smallish climbs compared to the day before which was a welcome relief for our legs. They were still steep and significant but nothing like the day before. We zigzagged through farms and apple and plum trees, passed through beautiful quaint villages and went through lovely cool forests. Debbies bike got another broken spoke. Once again we were lucky to have a bike shop on route who could sort it for us. Even better still they supplied coffee and chocolate. We grabbed a swim in a gorgeous lake before our final 2 climbs of the day, stocked up on food supplies then made our way to our campground in Suree. It was great to have a warm shower and to wash our clothes. 

Day 5 Up at 6.30am after a noisy sleep with a main road near by and a full moon. We had a delicious breakfast of freshly picked apples and plums and muesli and yoghurt. The first part of the day meandered through fields and small villages then whammy up to 1500 metres with lots of steep gravel and paths and a whole heap of hike a bike. Arrived out of the bush to find a vending machine and a restaurant with people eating full meals. Then came a massive descent with lots of technical sections mixed with smooth tarmac and more stairs. We replenished supplies in Entlebuch as they had a coop then headed thru to Finsterwald the end of Stage 5 . Stage 6 is looking like one of the most brutal stages with 3350 metres of climb in 95km! Waaah poor legs. We found a nice picnic spot and made a fire in the fireplace to cook up our bratwurst sausages. What a treat ! We spent the night under the cliffs . What a spot.

Day 6 HMOG camping to Sorenburg What a day. Up at 6.15am and at em. This has been the best day of riding we have had so far this trip. Hands down the most beautiful vistas and rideable trails and roads. Some bigs hill and some bumpy rocky push a bike trails over passes. But Wow wow wow. We camped in the camping ground in Sorenburg.  

Day 7 Sorenburg to Meiringen 58km

A short day today to give our legs some recovery time, to change our brake pads, clean our bikes and re lube and to take time to soak up the beautiful scenery and stunning weather. What a day ! A swim after our first climb in a glacial lake, a massive descent on smooth roads and single track. A bakery a coffee more lovely climbing through forests and beautiful trails and roads. Lots of stops and photos and an awesome day riding. We both agree that Switzerland tops the charts in terms of beauty and awesome riding. The weather probably has alot to do with it but boy this is some of the most stunning riding we have ever done. So happy to be here and able to do this Hope 1000 route ! We did a quick shop  then went to our warm showers to get washed up and hopefully learn a little more about the region. So so stunning 😍 

Day 8 Meiringen to Krattigen. Via 2 passes 74km This day tops everything. Riding under the northface of the Eiger was mindblowing. Two huge climbs today but both on great surfaces with no hikeabike. Tourism management in full force here. No cars above a certain height but buses, trams and cable cars so walkers and people can enjoy the natural environment peacefully . So many people out and about from all over the world. It was all a bit crazy in some of the towns such as Grindalwald and Lautervrunnen but we were mostly alone with the odd hiker around. We dropped down to interlaken and had a delicious swim in lake Thur as it was 30 degrees 😋. Then made our way over a few small hills to a camping ground in the town of Krattigen what a day .

Day 9 Sunday 25th Rest day. Sightseeing with Gabby Emma's friend and her family 

Day 10 Monday 26th Krattigen to mountain hut 106km. 

We woke up to mist but no rain so we were pretty happy with that. We were hopeful that the weather would clear in the afternoon so set off early in the hope it would clear when we reached the top of our first climb. Sadly it was not to be . Although we didn't have any views it was beautiful riding through forestry and farms. There had recently been a massive amount of rain and we were surrounded by slips and the feeling that life in these mountains was precarious. We managed to smile our way through a couple of road closures where they were working to clear debris off the roads. We did three massive climbs in the mist and pushed hard to get to the....... mountain hut . The last 3 kms were a technical bike push through some dicey terrain with steep sink holes. The mist made things tricky but any later and the dark would have made it more challenging. We were elated to reach the hut and discover noone was there and it had four solid walls double glazed windows and a door. Bliss ! We were so happy to be there, as not long after we got there the wind blew hard and the mist was wet. Waking up to sunshine was sublime.

Day 11 74kms mountain hut to Saneen

Woke up to an absolutely stunning day with stunning views. The descent was still slightly technical but nothing like the night before it was all worthwhile for the scenery and the whistling marmot. On ce back into farmland we found ourselves amongst a herd of cows been whistled in for milking The day turned into a scorcher so we had 2 swims to compensate for thel climbs. And just like that we were in the French speaking part of Switzerland 🇨🇭 so we are back to Bonjour. Made it to our campground at the Black Lake around 5.30pm. Had a well needed shower, did some washing and relaxed. Got attacked again in the night by something. Our bags were halfway across the camping ground, our plums were gone and Emma seat and pannier bag had been nibbled. Lucky we woke up or we'd be minus a pannier bag and a seat


Day 12 Wed 28th 118km

Up early to beat the heat of the day as we had 4 big climbs to deal with. Knocked the first 2 off before10am then restocked in 

The scenery has definitely changed with more rolling hills and towns surrounding us. Only 2 more days of riding including today on the Hope 1000 course. Feeling a bit sad it is coming to an end but excited for the next chapter. Made the final push to the camping site 18kms above Montreux by 7pm. What a day of extremes at one points we were surrounded by towns and were scared that the mountains were done. But true to form the trail sent us up 2 massive climbs back into the mountains and back into our comfort zone. Had a nice night in the shelter but were both a little on edge that something would come and chew our stuff again.

Day 13 18km down into Montreux. Wow what a ride! What a culture shock. It was very cool to end the ride at the Freddy Mercury statue. The lake was still and the scenery stunning. Its always a shock making the transition from wilderness to city. Its amusing seeing how the other half live. The clothes the cars the food all oozing wealth. Time to relax and enjoy have a swim and clean up then head to our warm showers for the night 

The Hope 1000

Beautiful scenery from start to finish. You really feel the person who planned it has thought carefully about showcasing the best Switzerland has to offer on roads and trails with little or no traffic. The route takes you through small villages showcasing the old buildings and churches,there is water everywhere and regular food resupply locations as well as accommodation options. The route has been broken into 11 stages on komoot by lael Wilcox and these stages are pretty much perfect for a 10 to 11 hour day. This trail is not for the fient hearted there are some significant push a bike stages, some rough single track and some pretty gruelling pinchy climbs. However, you will be rewarded and it will all be worth it. 

Gear taken for 2 people 

1 Msr bikepacking hubba hubba nx 2 tent with footprint

Two neoair mattresses

Two Rab mystic sleeping bags

Two sea 2 summit inflatable pillows

Two silk sleeping bag liners

1 sea to summit collapsible pot

2 sea to summit collapsible cups

2 titanium spoons

1 knife 

1 MSR pocket rocket cooker

1 gas cannister 

2 plates Fossil fold and clip

2 Rab Namche waterproof jackets

2 Rab cinder kinetic overpants

2 Rab sonic longsleeve teeshirts

2 Rab alpine mystic puffer jackets

2 pairs washing gloves

2 pairs ice breaker socks

2 pairs giro Ventura shoes

2 plastic berkenstock saddles

2 buffs

2 sets earplugs

2 pairs sunglasses 

2 lightweight merino dresses for nightie

2 pairs undies for night time

1 microfibre towel 

1 sunscreen

1 deoderant

2 tooth brushes

1 small toothpaste

1 ethique shampoo/ soap bar 

1 ethique conditioner bar

1 tube goodbye ouch manuka balm

1 tube bepanthem 

Toilet paper and sanitiser

Garmin Etrex GPSmap65s

IPhone for resupply info and more details 

2 Santa cruz highball bikes

2 helmets 

Tyres maxis icons 2.35 

2 tailfin rear racks with rockgiest panniers

2 revelate gas tanks

1 ortlieb lunchbox 

2 quadlock holders

1 set tailfin fork bags 

2 sets of profile design aerobats with risers 

1 spare tube

Bike Allen keys


Lezyne Patches

1 rag for cleaning bikes 


Spare chain links

3 sets spare brake pads 

1 drybag for rear Carrier 1 dry bag for tent 

6 drink bottles

1 rear flasher light

1 head torch 

4 recharge pale blue double a batteries for go's

4 recharge triple a pale blue batteries for gps. 

SPOT tracker with

2 pairs tri shorts

2 sports bras 

 Things to consider:

1. Have a couple of days up your sleeve for rain or bad weather. If you are touring this route and have time there is no point in missing out on the scenery of any of the stages. Better to wait it out. 

2. Plan at least one rest day to let the legs recover which will make the next stage more enjoyable. This route has a lot of steep climbs which are easier to grind up if the legs are refreshed. 

3. Take spare brake pads

4. Travel as light as you can. There a plenty of resupply options and regular water troughs.

5. Make sure your food is kept separate from your panniers and bags if camping out. Twice we were caught out which resulted in a chewed revelate gas tank bag, a chewed Rockgeist pannier bag, a chewed brooks leather seat, a chewed drink bottle nozzle, two chewed sea to summit collapsible cups, a chewed voile strap ! 

6 Be aware that shops close on Sundays 

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